(Slowly) Making a game! And releasing it (eventually)!

I started this project 2 months ago. It really shouldn't have taken this long to make this much of the game. But of what little time and attention I could pour into this, I kept obsessing over every detail and tried to implement every major game mechanic I could. I am learning I don't have a very good work pipeline (is that what they call it?) and that I sort of tackle things when I come across or remember it. Moving forward I hope to have a bit more directed focus towards specific goals and milestones. The only advantage of what I've done is as I've mentioned: I have about every major game mechanic implemented in a way that should make it easy to edit and adapt for the main game stages. The only thing I haven't touched is the boss mechanics, which, honestly, isn't something I should even have to think of until it's time to implement the bosses of each stage, especially since they all have different gimmicks and will each need its own time and attention.

That said, this is a very rough version 0.2.0 that I'm releasing, both as a very short demo and teaser for what's to come. As a tutorial area, I didn't want to jam instructions down a player's throat so I figured letting them platform across simple gaps and past non-hostile (but still deadly) enemies at their own leisure might be enough for them to figure out the basic mechanics involved. I'm still figuring out how to make it a little more exciting, but I'll get there when I get there. There's a lot to still improve on, especially with the audio and the minor bugs (I won't tell!). I don't have all the time and can only work on this little by little, so the next small update might take months though. I hope you'll still look forward to this after all that time.

Anyway, I haven't slept for almost 2 days so I'm going to crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling until it's time to get up again.


win32-castleneppia v.0.2.0.zip 100 MB
Nov 02, 2023
win64-castleneppia v.0.2.0.zip 106 MB
Nov 02, 2023

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